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Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731
Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731 Edwardian Florist Vase DA9434731

Edwardian Florist Vase


Elegant Edwardian florist vase with repositionable flutes, standing on a weighted base and featuring attractive fluted collars. 

Chrome plated brass with some age related marks to the inside of the flutes.

This item is currently in storage and therefore we need 48 hours notice for viewings. Please contact us before travelling to view this item.

    Size Guide
  • H: 44 cm (17 5/16")
  • W: 29 cm (11 7/16")
  • D: 29 cm (11 7/16")
Product Specification
CountryUnited Kingdom
Materials & TechniquesChrome
StyleArt Nouveau
Period20th Cent
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