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Posts tagged 'neoclassicism'

For the love of stripes
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For the love of stripes

From the sun-soaked parasols of the Amalfi coast to crumpled sweetshop bags on the English Riviera, stripes are everywhere. They always have been, in various forms, but their presence feels particularly loud right now. Perhaps it's because we crave their unabashed joy in the midst of gloomy national and international developments, or because we’ve been busy whole-heartedly embracing summer af...
Spotlight on: Georgian furniture
392 view(s)

Spotlight on: Georgian furniture

No point in British history had such a profound and lasting impact on furniture design as the Georgian period. Let's take a closer look at this towering legacy. Georgian England The Georgian period counts for over a century of English history. Four consecutive George’s were on the throne, and it was a time of relative stability. Beginning with George I and ending with George IV, Georgian E...
Spotlight on: Gustavian furniture
551 view(s)

Spotlight on: Gustavian furniture

Gustavian style flourished in Sweden during the 18th Century. Inspired by the neoclassical French style, Sweden became major players in Europe’s age of elegance. Gustavian enlightenment When discussing Gustavian design, the individual behind the name matters. King Gustav III reigned from 1772 to 1792 and oversaw and encouraged the flourishing of the arts. The King was shot at a masquerade ...