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Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575
Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575 Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575 Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575 Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575 Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575 Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575 Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart WD2939575

Oil Painting 'Cruche de Nerines' by Susanna Linhart


Oil painting "Cruche de Nerines" by Susanna Linhart.

An English artist based in the Foret des Maures which is close to La Garde Freinet in the South of France. Susanna spent many years living there, first with the sculptor Lynn Chadwick, later with her husband Andrew, an English academic from Naples.

Circa 1980.

    Size Guide
  • H: 86 cm (33 7/8")
  • W: 105 cm (41 5/16")
  • D: 3 cm (1 3/16")
Product Specification
Materials & TechniquesOil on Canvas
StyleFrench Provincial
Period20th Cent
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